Is it so bad.. to want to see the world burn?

Name: Nara Nazreen BladisDoman Name: Lan NaraAlias Name: Nazeri BladeAge: 28Gender: FemaleRace: Hyur - HighlanderNationality: Doman - Ala MhiganHometown: The Steppe - Kha Tribe
Ten Thousand Malms Plum blossom -Lan Clan.
Sexual Orentation: PansexualOccupation: Adventurer- HunterJob/class: Summoner, Monk, Reaper, SamuraiAlignment: Chaotic Neutral


Nazeri is average 6 foot 4 inches in height, with a lean and well muscled body. She never slouches and always stands straight, her body usually relaxed, and light on her toes. Her being a bit muscular doesn’t shy away from her curves big breast, thick waist and thick legs. Some would mistaken her as a Small Femroe. In her smaller clothes, you would see, her body in full of Scars, each that tells a story of when she either lost a fight, or won to an Xaelan tribe member. Her face, speaks different than her body, oval face with slight rounded chin, high cheekbones with thick pouty lips a flat rounded nose that would give her elegant Doman face. light misty eyebrows, that surprisingly were well kept, arching slightly above, her almond shaped eyes, which is the color of topaz. Because of her voidsent, her eyes changed to a purple color. Her skin the shade of warm ivory or Almond. Her hair is Platnuim Blonde but because of her Void blood it turned Auburn red at the top and some times darkens to Black. When she grows it out, it curls up, she never actually takes the time to brush her hair, so it tends to be very messy. She tends to favor wearing comfortable clothes/ armor that would let her move around more, mostly med to light. When not fighting, she wears less clothes, to show off her abs that she is so proud of.


While very confident in her martial prowess, She knows she must learn more too get stronger, for her goal in life. She likes to provoke, those who she deems strong or stronger then her, into a fight. . She believes the moment you pick up a weapon or unsheath a weapon, aimed at someone you do so in ready to die. She has a bad habit of smiling either when fighting or in the face of death.Though she is biased towards Aura.. she fights them the hardest. Even if she likes blood, she still values the lives of children and those closest to her. She tends to get irritated when a life she saved is wasted. Though she won't follow just anyone, she will loyally follow someone and their cause, if she deems there character worthy. If she deems you unworthy at any point, because you lost your way, she will leave you high and dry.After her little adventurers and shenningans, her friends were able to save her from her ownself. She now is trying to live out her dream she had with her brother in owning a tavern where she can cook for others.Likes: fighting , Bitter candies, Curry, Cooking, Teasing, Coeurls, vicious looking animals, Fighters, Lying Naked in the Snow, cold places, working out.Dislikes: Unbearably Hot Places, closed in spaces, being weak, Yorbanz, Sticky and gooey monsters like slimes.Quirks: Works out when idle for too long. Scratches the back of her head. Stutters When suprised.

Voice Claim
Senna -english- Cynthia Kaye McWilliams
Beidou - Genshin Impact.
Chinese- Tang Yajing
Japanese- Koshimizu Ami
Korean- Jeong Yoo-mi

Altan/Zeiga Dotharl
Childhood Friend
Age: 24
Race: Aura- Xaela
Current Whereabouts: Unsure
Zei is the reason i started looking for Masanori. Though im starting to believe, he did this for his own benefit. As he has yet to help me find him. Also he been very sketchy lately.
Bron Tauro
age: unknown
Race: hyur
Current whereabouts: Traveling
Bronny claims Im not his bestie, but when i first seen him fight. I knew we were meant to be together, and fight forever. Of course he finally understood after we fought for a whole night til morning.
Melina Daitou
age: unknown
Race: Xaela-Aura
Mellie .. She called me her bestfriend. I never had a female friend before. It was nice, though she causes trouble. She tried to kill me.. not sure if thats what someone who is close to you is suppose to do.
Jian Kimura
Age: Old-35
Race: Highlander
Current whereabouts: Doma
Jian is such a super nerd! He does accounting.. which has math and.. ugh. He is very close to me though. Watches out for me, and takes care of me sometimes. I like picking on him though. He is always there when i need him. We care for each other.. I wonder if..
Leon Loar
Rival? he wishes.
Age: 19
Race: Miqo'te
Current whereabouts: Don't care
This little patch of furball. He always yelling Rival at me but I guess he can fight. I used see him at Lawless, and he helped me with saving this kid in Garlemald, I guess he isn;t all to bad.
**Vyncent **
Fellow Voidie and redhead. He is probably my favorite when comes to teasing. Though he has a mouth on him.. literally. He also promised me something.. lets see if he keeps it.
Lawless Lane
Former Place of Work
Lawless is a criminal place, I feel home here, only because I get to fight whenever I want, however I want. Of course with the exception of killing. I've met some, interesting.. people here as well.
Adventurers Guild
Currently hanging around.
Few people I met, that seem to be nosey but mean well. They seem to get as many jobs i do, as they always pop up where i do. then again... its a guild. They have stepped up to the call many times.
Toma Pathfinder
Dotharli Brother
age: 36
Race: Aura-Xaela
Current Whereabouts: Limsa Lominsa
They match my strength and violent fighting style. I appreciate them enough to have their back in a fight.
Mutaro DawnTreader
Reaper Friend
Age: 34
Race: Aura - Raen
This Old man need to stop fighting, and learn to get a hobby. Thats weird coming from me. One these days I'mma have Bell take him fishing.
Bellkjrr Woods
Race: Viera-Rava
This one.. is older than me,but.... i can't help but treat him like the younger brother i lost. I have taught him Martial arts. Seems he likes Tai jutsu.
ASH Chapter
Knights Order.
Currently In Service. *Serves under : Kiana Valeris-GrandMaster
Vyncent Valeris-Cardinal
I suppose this place will do for now. I wanted to be a night.. and learn about the sword and shield. And Honor that comes with it. Its definitely a challenge.
Race: Viera-Rava
One i wanted to get ride of.. but slowly felt the urge to protect him instead. Its annoying but.. I now have another reason to not burn the world down. For now.

Wanderer: Nazeri has taken interest in different occupations. She wants to try any and everything, from pirating to being a maid to possibly being a knight. If she can stand her liege longer than a week. Give her an offer she can;t refuse.
Adventurerer: Nazeri likes treasure hunting, and deep dungeons, she known for her curiousity, and love for danger. Join or invite her , she doesn't mind taking on odd jobs.Summoner/Red Mage: Because of some experiments done to her, maybe they were in the same lab or maybe your one the ones who held her and forced a contract. She has knowledge on Void mages, and acquired the ability to see aether and Souls but only from a certain distance. She can open portals and summon low leveled voidsent. She rarely does it though.Family: Nazeri had killed her last known family member. She has cousins, maybe you from the Doman village her mother is form or Father side, from Ala mhigo.Culinarian: Nazeri is a exceptional cook and likes to cook for others. She is hopping to share her Doman heritage in Eorzea. Maybe you had some of ehr cooking and like her to work for you?Voidsent Nazeri is what she calls herself a Voidfiend. One who is half voidsent, whether born or experimeted on, maybe even possesed. Nazeri has made, contact with many voidsent. She shares her body with a nine-tailed Voidsent, that became something like her Avatar. She named him Redquint ( Rey - Quin). Red is some what known in the 13th as a strong annoyance, maybe your avatar or you recongnize his aether.
Maybe your a Hunter, and you notice some key things. Her not having pupils or the way her shadow flickers and moves.
Azim Steppe: being raised in the steppe, you may know or heard rumors about Nazeri and her brother.
There she was called Nara (( you may address her as Nara)) and her brother Masanori.
She was in the reunion frequently while growing up. Mostly around the Qestir and Kha. She would know some Dotharls, Angura, and Borlaaq.
Nothing Caught your eye? Then send me a DM and we can think something up.

Been RPing for a while, but my first time doing it on Final Fantasy ingame.
I'm in a Real Life relationship, so any flirting or dating is between characters.
I love taking poses SFW or NSFW, if it is NSFW gotta be a good reason why, Nazeri doesn't really have sexual feelings, she just likes to fight and show off her body to tease people.If have any other questions, or want to RP ingame or out hit up my Discord or Twitter!
BTW thanks for reading up on Nazeri and getting to know her, though.. My two other OCs links are below.
Discord: Glitchiez#2483